How to Keep grout CLEAN


So you are here because you want to know how to keep the grout in your tiled shower or floor clean or to get it clean.

There are a few ways to go about this.

  • You can daily clean the floor, or shower with a friendly grout cleaner

  • You can scrub the grout joints with a heavy duty grout cleaner

Now you might need to take the scrubbing option, if so I recommend a stiff nylon brush. Something like this :


The stiffer the better of a brush, just make sure you do not get a wire brush lol.

A cost effective way to use along with the nylon brush is just some baking soda and vinegar mixed together.

Here are a few products I recommend if you just want to buy a cleaner.




Now, I advise you to NEVER EVER use a product that has bleach in it or a harsh chemical bad for cement based materials. Many people complain about grout issues, many are caused by using bleach on the grout, which over time will break down the cement in the grout product. Making it a lot more substitutable to staining !

A properly installed tile and grout installation can last up to 50 years when taking care of !

Questions about your project, Call Donnie D !

Donnie D’s Tile & Remodeling LLC

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